Csokonai Cup 1997.


 1. Horvath Zoltan                 1861106HZ  TSE BR        23.50
 2. Mihalyi Ferenc                            JMD           26.25
 3. Hrenko Viktor                  1850825HV  TIT           26.90
 4. Lincz Matyas                   1850416LM  FAB BR        27.66
 5. Szunyog Attila                 1860913SA  FAB BR        32.84
 6. Csikos Miklos                  1850511CM  JVS BR        34.88
 7. Toth B. Zsolt                  1850319TB  PUS BR        38.20
 8. Kalmar Andras                  1860317KA  JMD RE        47.64
 9. Dobrossy Adam                  1850710DA  DIS BR        48.43
10. Lukacs Levente                 1851207LL  JMD RE        59.61
11. Juhasz Bence                   1850930JB  NYV RE        67.40
12. Soltesz Tamas                  1870103ST  NYV RE        72.29
    Bartus Bela                    1860517BB  NYV RE         5 hp.
    Svdrin Gergo                   1870510SG  NYV RE         6 hp.

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