Proposed timetable for revision of ISOM

Post Congress 1996
Formation of a ISOM/2000 Project Team to work on ISOM revision. Letter to all member federations announcing revision of ISOM with intention to implemenet new version 2001. Request federations to review current ISOM and to forward any suggestions for change. These suggestions should be sent to the IOF Secretariat by the 31st May 1997 together with O map samples if the proposed suggestions has already been trialed.

June 1997
ISOM/2000 Project Team to review current ISOM and consider all suggestions for change made by federations. A presentation of proposed changes to ISOM to be prepared for the IOF Mapping Conference.

IOF Mapping Conference, Norway, August 1997
ISOM/2000 Project Team to make presentation on proposed changes to ISOM. These proposals are discussed by delegates.

Autumn/Winter 1997/98
ISOM/2000 Project Team to prepare first draft of revised ISOM taking into account suggestions from federations and feedback at IOF Mapping Conference. A sample map to be produced containing the proposed changes. Where alternatives are being considered each of these alternatives will be included on the sample map(s).

Spring 1998
First draft and sample map to be sent to each member federation for discussion.

IOF Congress, Portugal, Summer 1998
Lobbying by member federations based on the first draft.

December 1998
Deadline for member federations to send suggestions for consideration and inclusion in the second draft.

Winter-Spring 1998/1999
ISOM/2000 Project Team prepare second draft along with a sample map (there should be no alternatives at this stage).

Spring 1999
Second draft and map sample sent to member federations for discussion.

IOF Mapping Conference, Scotland, August 1999
Second draft to be presented at the IOF Mapping Conference for discussion.

Autumn 1999
ISOM/2000 Project Team to prepare final version of ISOM, this should be mainly the second draft with only minor changes based on feedback at the IOF Mapping Conference.

Winter 1999/2000
Final version of the revised ISOM presented to Council for their acceptance and approval for it to be presented to Congress.

IOF Congress, Summer 2000
Revised ISOM presented to Congress for acceptance into the rules.

Post IOF Congress 2000
Printing of the new 2000 version of ISOM.

January 2001
Implementation of revised ISOM.

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