The following letter will be sent to all IOF member federation in november 1996.

Dear Member Federation,

Revision of International Specification for Orienteering Maps

The IOF Map Committee Steering Group has commenced preparations for the publication of a new version of ISOM and its implementation into the rules of the IOF. The formation of an ISOM/2000 Working Group to undertake this important work is underway together with the establishment of an expert reference team to provide guidance.

As computerised cartography is becoming the norm for producing O-maps this revision will be written with the assumption that computers will be used for the cartography. The use of computers may provide opportunities to represent features in a way that would have been prohibitive using traditional techniques.

To ensure that every member federation can provide input to this project a timetable for the revision of ISOM has been established showing the variuous stages of revision. Please can You forward a copy of this correspondence to the committee/group that is responsible for mapping within Your federation.

As you will note from the timetable the ISOM/2000 Working Group would welcome suggestions for changes to the current ISOM from your federation, this first deadline is 31st May 1997 when they should be received by the IOF Secretariat. We would ask that your federation sanction all suggestions before they are forwarded.

We look forward to receiveing your suggestions for taking ISOM into the 21st century!

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