Index of Undersea features
Rakiura Gap, szakadék
Northwest Ramos Shoal
Ranger Banco, Bank, pad, Seaknoll
Reef: see the other part of the name
North Regent Shoal
South Regent Shoal
Rende: see the other part of the name
Rene Shoal, sziklazátony
Renna: see the other part of the name
Renne: see the other part of the name
Rennick hasadék, Trough
Reynis Dyb, teknövölgy
Rezak Bank, pad
Rhode Island selfvölgy, Shelf Valley
Ribatschi Bank
Richmond Reef, sziklazátony
Ridge: see the other part of the name
rikudana-kokugun: see the other part of the name
Rinne: see the other part of the name
Fishing Rip, zátony
Rise: see the other part of the name
Ritchie Banks, padok
Lost River Shoal, zátony
Rock: see the other part of the name
Rodgers Basin, selfmedence
Rodgers Pass, szakadék
Rompidas Ledge, sziklazátony
Rønne Bank, pad
Rosa Bank, banka, pad
Rose Blanche Bank, pad
Roseway Bank, banka, pad
Roseway Basin, selfmedence
Ross Bank, pad
Ross self, Shelf
Røst Bank, Banken, pad
Rowley Bancs, Reefs, Shoals, zátonyok
Rowley self, Shelf
Royal Bishop Bank, Banks, pad
Royal Charlotte Bank, banka, pad
Banc du Bishop Royale
Royalist Bank, banka, sziklazátony
Ruapuke Basin, selfmedence