Index of Undersea features
pad: see the other part of the name
Padang Bank, sziklazátony
padcsoport: see the other part of the name
Palawan self, Shelf (South China Sea)
Palawan self, Shelf (Sulu Sea)
Pamplona chrebet, nyúlvány, Ridge, Searidge, Spur
Frying Pan Shoals, zátonyok
Panama self, Shelf
Pandora Bank, zátony
Papagrunn Bank, pad
Parker Bank, pad
Parker Ridge, selfhátság
Parry mel', Shoal, zátony
Pasig Shoal, sziklazátony
West Pasig Shoal
Rodgers Pass, szakadék
Patagonia self, Shelf
Patagonischer Schelf
The Patch
Alert Patches
Patricia Shoal, sziklazátony
Great Pearl Bank
Peary teknövölgy, Trough
San Pedro Sea Valley, selfvölgy, Valley
Pegasus reef, sziklazátony
Pei-k'ang An-sha
The Bull Pen
The Cow Pen
Pennell Bank, banka, pad
Pera Banco, pad
La Perouse Bank, pad
Perpetua Bank, pad
Persej Seamount, vozvyshennost'
Persian Shelf
Pertlock Bank
Peruan Shelf
Petersen Bank, pad
Petrel Bank, pad
Phelps Bank, zátony
Philippine Shelf (Celebes Sea)
Philippine Shelf (Philippine Sea)
Philippine Shelf (South China Sea)
Philippine Shelf (Sulu Sea)
Phleger Bank, pad
Saint Pierre Bank, banka, pad
Pit: see the other part of the name
Pixie Reef, sziklazátony
Plateau: see the other part of the name
Plate-forme: see the other part of the name
plató: see the other part of the name
Platts Bank, banka, pad
Platts Basin, selfmedence
podnyatiye: see the other part of the name
podvodnaja vozvyshennost': see the other part of the name
Poe Bank, banka, pad
Porpoise Basin, selfmedence (North America)
Porpoise Basin, selfmedence, Trough (Antarctica)
Port Clarence Sea Valley, selfvölgy, Valley
Portlock Bank, banka, pad
Portlock Reefs, sziklazátonyok
Portuguese Shelf
Pourtales terasz, Terrace
Prestrud Bank, pad
Prince of Wales Shoal, zátony
Golfe de la Providence
Pulley Ridge, selfhátság
Puysegur Bank, pad