Central Ocean

The Central Ocean includes Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic oceans.
Includes the following seas:
Atlantic region: Greenland Sea, Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, English Channel, Bay of Biscay, Gulf of Guinea, Sargasso Sea, Bay of Fundy, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Davis Strait, Baffin Bay. Not includes Hudson Bay.
Indian region: Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Moçambique Channel, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, Great Australian Bight.
Pacific region: Gulf of California, Bismarck Sea, Coral Sea, Solomon Sea, Tasman Sea, Fiji Sea.
Arctic region: Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptew Sea, East Sibirian Sea, Chukchi Sea, Beaufort Sea.
Continental shelf
Continental slope (This is not ready in this moment)
Deep-sea bottom (This is not ready in this moment)
List of seas