The Ministry of Agriculture supports a Msc. in Real Estate course developed by three universities (Nottingham Trent University, Technical University of Budapest, Budapest University of Economical Sciences0 in 1992-94 to educate professionals in land valuation, land use, land planning and land development at post graduate level. The course was accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (United Kingdom) in 1995.
- An another education project supported by EC TEMPUS and MoA DLM is called OLLO. This special educational programme is designed to meet the needs and requirements of the staff in the Land Offices. The main project is run by the College of surveying and Land Management at Székesfehérvár. Other domestic participants are the Department of Lands and Mapping, Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Veszprém. Co-operative partners are the School for surveying, University of East London (UK) as well as the Open Learning Centre, the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
OLLO will develop a course of 12 distance learning modules that cover a number of key subject areas related to Land registration and compensation, surveying, data handling technology, management, and the use of these data in different applications.
Students will be able to study the OLLO course in a number of ways. Firstly, students can take a single module as a special study course. Secondly, students may study a set of 3 or 4 modules as a special course of learning. Finally, the College hopes to be accredited all 12 modules studied together as a part of an postgraduate/MSc course. All modules will be studied by "distance learning". A project proposal called OLLO 2000 is in preparation to provide technology and know-how transfer for third parties in abroad.

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