European Education in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography and Surveying (EEGECS)
Socrates Thematic Network

Working Group 1
"Undergraduate Education"
Poster presented in the TOP-CART 2008 conference
(Valencia, February 18, 2008)
Final Report 2nd year of activities
Reports from European countries
Reports from countries out of Europe
Answers sent by European universities to the questionnaire (table)
Photos taken during the 3rd General Assembly in Dublin (April 22-23, 2005)
Photos taken during the 2nd Meeting in Antwerpen (September 10-11, 2004)
Photos taken during the 2nd General Assembly in Valencia (February 20-21, 2004)
Photos taken during the 1st WG1 Meeting in Budapest (December 4-5, 2003)
WG1 2nd Meeting Minute - Final version
Dec. 30, 2004
Final version of questionnaire for countries out of Europe
Dec. 30, 2004
Minute of WG1 meeting (February 21, 2004)
March 4, 2004
Report on results of the European Survey (February 20, 2004)
March 4, 2004
Results of the European Survey: table+diagrams (February 20, 2004)
March 4, 2004
Final version of the questionnaire for European universities
February 14, 2003
List of WG1 members
January 20, 2003
Table of scheduled activities
January 6, 2003
Objectives of the Working Group 1
January 6, 2003
Background information about the Tuning Project
January 6, 2003
Tuning Project: Closing Conference
March 4, 2004
To contact us or request any information please send a message to this address: